TN1000WT – New Tacky Class 100 Glove Technology

Maintains High Grip Function in both WET and DRY applications
TN1000WT – New Tacky Class 100 Glove Technology

TechNiglove 12″, TACKY, ambidextrous, powder free nitrite, double chlorinated gloves are available in white, are double bagged for use in Cleanrooms and are suitable for use in Pharmaceutical and Biotech manufacturing.  This NEW glove will maintain HIGH GRIP function in both WET and DRY applications. Our products are 100% nitrile, contain no natural rubber or silicone and meet the most stringent requirements for extractables and particles.

Available Sizes
12" 12"


Technical Properties

Particle Levels Class M3.5 (100<1800 total particle/cm2> 0.5um IEST-RP-CC005.2 Method
Flouride< 0.05 ug/cm2
Chloride< 3.0 ug/cm2
Nitrite< 0.05 ug/cm2
Nitrate< 3.00 ug/cm2
Phosphate< .05 ug/cm2
Sulphate< 3.00 ug/cm2
Total NVR (DI Water)< 8.00 ug/cm2
ESD PropertiesAt 50-60% Humidity
Surface Resistivity<1010 ohm/square per ESD-S11.11
Static Decay< .5 seconds per RETS-5-003
Cert of ConformanceAvailable on request
Cert of IrradiationAvailable on request

Physical Properties

Length12" (300mm)
Thickness5 mil (0.005")
Grip SurfaceMicrotectured Fingertips - New Tacky Formulation
ColorsWhite Only
Tensile Strength> 12.5 MPa
Elongation at break (%)> 500

Sizing and Weight per case

TN1000WTX-SMALL20 lbs.
TN1001WTSMALL20 lbs.
TN1002WTMEDIUM21 lbs.
TN1003WTLARGE21 lbs.
TN1004WTX-LARGE22 lbs.
TN1005WTXX-LARGE22 lbs.

Other Specs

Packaged 100 gloves per poly-sealed cleanroom bag, 10 bags per case

All TechNiglove products are manufactured in ISO9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 certified facilities.