TN2000W-E Series (Class 100)

ESD Safe for Controlled Environments
TN2000W-E Series (Class 100)

TechNiGlove 12″ ambidextrous Class 100 nitrile gloves have Microtextured Fingertips provide excellent grip on all surfaces. 100% nitrile gloves contain no natural rubber or silicone and meet stringent requirements for particles and extractables. The proprietary ESD formulation was developed for the Hard Disk Industry, and has a greater capacity to dissipate a static charge with a surface resistivity of 10-08 ohm/square per ESD-S11.11

Available Size


Technical Properties

Particle Levels Class M3.5 (100)<800 total particles/cm2 > 0.5um IEST- RP-CC005.2 Method
Flouride< 0.01 ug/cm2
Chloride< 0.30 ug/cm2
Nitrite< 0.01 ug/cm2
Bromide< 0.05 ug/cm2
Nitrate< 0.30 ug/cm2
Phosphate< 0.01 ug/cm2
Sulphate< 0.05 ug/cm2
Total NVR (DI Water)< 3.00 ug/cm2
ESD PropertiesAt 50-60% Humidity
Surface Resistivity<10^08 ohm/square per ESD-S11.11
Static Decay< .5 seconds per RETS-5-003
Cert of ConformanceAvailable on request
Cert of IrradiationAvailable on request

Physical Properties

Length12" (300mm)
Thickness5 mil (0.005")
Grip SurfaceMicrotextured Fingertips
Tensile Strength>12.5 MPa
Elongation at break (%): >500

Ordering Information

TN2000(W)(E)X-SMALL20 lbs.
TN2001(W)(E)SMALL20 lbs.
TN2002(W)(E)MEDIUM21 lbs.
TN2003(W)(E)LARGE21 lbs.
TN2004(W)(E)X-LARGE21 lbs.
TN2005(W)(E)XX-LARGE23 lbs.

Other Specs

100 gloves/polybag, 10 polybags/case

Case Size: 13"x12"x13"

All TechNiGlove products are manufactured in ISO9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 certified facilities